The Federal budget 2022-23 announced a revival of the National Cultural Policy with additional $83.7 million given to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for enhancing their community programs over the next four years. Labor promises to unfreeze the indexation issued by the coalition and undo all the losses face by the arts due to COVID. Furthermore, Australia Council of Arts is expected to gain more funding and delegation after the closure of Creative Partnerships Australia.
RMIT School of Art Honorary Associate Professor Ms Esther Anatolitis talks to the Wire about why expanding the community arts outreach to regional areas and nurturing the arts in the country is important.
Image: Image: Shutterstock: EQRoy
Produced By: Misbah Ansari
Featured In Story: RMIT Honory Associate Professor Ms Esther Anastolisis, and
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 26 October 2022